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أعياد القديسين
ايلول - سبتمبر

September 04

Memorial of the prophet Moses

He was born and raised in Egypt. God chose him to deliver the people from slavery. It appeared to him in the form of a burning fire in a bush. After fasting for forty days, the Lord spoke to him on the top of Mount Horeb and handed him the Tablets of Commandments. He died before entering the Promised Land. The exodus of the people from Egypt under his leadership took place for forty years in the Sinai desert in the thirteenth century B.C.

September 05

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: 1910-1997

Gonchi Boyakhyo was born on August 27, 1910.

At the age of twelve, she decided to join the "Loreto" congregation in Ireland.

In 1923 she was sent as a novice nun to a monastery in northern India, where she spent 17 years.

1937,   "Sister Teresa" makes a final vow and becomes a nun.

1948 He received some lessons in medicine and nursing, and left the monastery to devote himself to treating people and helping them in poor neighborhoods.

1950 The establishment of the "Charity Mission". 1952

Opening a house to receive the incurable patients and care for them until their death.

1967  The Good Mission spreads to different parts of the world, where natural disasters and poverty.

1971 Mother Teresa awarded the Pope John XXIII Medal of Peace.

1979 Nobel Peace Prize.

1997 - 1985 A difficult period in her life, when she was exposed to many diseases, and she underwent more than one surgery, with her insistence on continuing her humanitarian activities. 

1997 Mother Teresa delivers the soul on September 5th

Mother Teresa was born on August 27, 1910, in the city of Skopje, into a committed Catholic family. In her childhood, what was most affected by "Gonchi Boyakhio", who will later be known as Mother Teresa, is the family's extreme generosity, assistance and care for the poor in her place of residence. And this is what imprinted her whole life in character.

At the age of twelve, she realized that her mission was to help the poor and the needy, so she decided to become a nun, so she entered the convent of the Loreto Confraternity in Ireland, where she was ordained as a novice. A year later, she was sent to a monastery belonging to that order in the city of Darling, near Calcutta, in India.

In 1946, she had a vision in which the Lord called her to serve Him among the poor. This vision changed her life forever. So I took permission to leave the monastery and go to the slums of Calcutta. And she established her first school. She attracted many female students who followed her in the message of serving the poor.

I took permission from the authorities and turned part of a Hindu temple into a house for the care of people with incurable diseases.... Thus, divine providence was with her, so the institutions she established multiplied. and established an orphanage. And the number of those who joined it increased.

Hundreds of homes were established in India to help and take care of the poor. Pope Paul VI granted it permission to expand and operate in all parts of the world. Thus, the number of women affiliated with it increased, and its branches include most of the world's poor countries or those experiencing wars and conflicts. Among its well-known actions is that it was able, during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, to stop the shooting for a certain period until the civil defense men managed to rescue 37 sick children who were trapped in a hospital.

She received many awards in recognition of her great services. And she knew how to cleverly use her global reputation in order to raise money and aid to serve the noble humanitarian cause that she made her goal. In 1962, the Indian government awarded her the "Bandma Shri" award for her "distinguished humanitarian services".

One of her exploits is that upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, she asked to cancel the traditional dinner held by the Nobel Prize Committee for the winners, and asked to be given the amount to spend on feeding 400 poor Indian children for a whole year.

The charitable mission established by Mother Teresa has expanded, and now includes 570 centers serving the sick and the poor around the world, in addition to more than a hundred thousand volunteers, all of whom work in centers that care for patients with AIDS, leprosy, and other infectious and incurable diseases. In addition to feeding hundreds of thousands of hungry and helpless, social care centers, orphanages and schools.

But Mother Teresa's health began to deteriorate since 1985. On September 5, 1997, Mother Teresa died, ending her struggle for a better human life.

On October 19, 2003, Saint Pope John Paul II declared her blessed.

On September 4, 2016, Pope Francis declared her a saint on the altars of the Holy Church.


08 September

Souvenir of the birth of our Lady, the Most Holy Virgin Mary

 God answered the prayers of her elderly parents, Joachim and Anna the barren, and blessed them with this wondrous daughter, chosen from eternity to be the mother of the incarnate Word. And the Church knows that Mary was conceived without the stigma of original sin, so she came out of God’s hand, the masterpiece of the universe, flawless, as the hymn of songs called to her from behind the generations: “You are all beautiful, my girlfriend, and there is no fault in you.”

With the birth of the Virgin Mary, joy and happiness covered the heavens and the earth. It is the morning star that rose at the dawn of grace, heralding the sunshine of justice and the light of the world.

How many praises and descriptions the saints overflowed with on this feast, which is the happiest of holidays. St. Andrew of Jerusalem, Bishop of Crete, said about her birth: “It is the feast of the initiation, since with it the union of the Word with the flesh began. Then the feast of the Virgin, which gave everyone confidence and joy.” St. John of Damascus exclaims: "Come, all of you, peoples of every race, every tongue, every age, and every rank, let us celebrate the birth of the joy of the whole world."

The name "Maryam" means Lady of the Sea or the High One.

This feast of the birth of the Virgin has spread in the Church east and west since the seventh century. It was reinforced by Pope Zakhia VII, Gregory XI, and Urban VI in the late fourteenth century. We, her children, should intercede for her and greet her on this day with the famous ritual anthem:

"You are all beautiful and there are no defects in you. God the Father chose you as the mother of His Son, Jesus, the Bestower. Our intercessor does not neglect us, and with your wings overshadows us, on the day of judgment, O mother of our Redeemer." Trustworthy.

September 14th

Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

On the fourteenth of September, the Maronite Church celebrates the feast of the Exaltation of the Honorable Cross

Chosroes, the king of Persia, had entered Jerusalem victoriously and captured thousands of Christians, led by Patriarch Zakaria, and transported them to his country, and took the relics of the Holy Cross as booty, and it remained in his possession for fourteen years.
When King Heraclius defeated the Persians, his most important conditions were the release of the captive Christians and the return of the relics of the cross. Chosroes had died and his son Syraeus reigned in his place, so he accepted this under conditions and released the prisoners unharmed with Patriarch Zakaria after they had spent 14 years in captivity. Hymns of victory and jubilation.
After a year had passed, Emperor Heraclius brought her to Jerusalem to fix the stick of the cross in its place on Mount Golgotha. So the people stood up to meet him, headed by Patriarch Zakaria. So they greeted him with the best manifestations of joy and happiness, with torches and hymns, and they walked to the road to Calvary. And there the king suddenly stopped with a hidden force, and he could not take a single step. So the patriarch came forward and said to the king: “The Lord Christ walked this path carrying his cross, crowned with thorns, wearing a garment of mockery and humiliation, and you are dressed in purple and on your head a crown studded with jewels, so you must resemble Christ in his humility and poverty.” So the king listened to the words of the patriarch, put on a vile garment and walked with his head uncovered and barefoot. Then he reached Calvary, where he placed the cross in the place where it was before.
Then we commemorate the appearance of the Cross to King Constantine the Great in the war against his enemy, Maxenius. This is because when he approached Rome, he sought help from the Christians and sought help from their God, Jesus Christ, and the God of his mother, Helena, to give him victory over his enemies. And while he was in battle, the cross appeared to him in the clear air, surrounded by these words in prominent letters of light: “With this sign you will be victorious.” So he relied on the God of the cross, so he defeated Maxenius, and believed in Christ and his soldiers. And make the banner of the cross fail in its banners and articles. And he resurrected the church from the darkness of the diamis, and ordered the demolition of the temples of idols and built churches in their place. Lebanon has been distinguished for this celebration since ancient times, because, on the night of this feast, a flame of lights appears in its barren lands and coasts. Thanks be to the Lord Jesus, who said: “And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” Trustworthy.


September 15th

Saint Sassine

This saint was a bishop of the city of Cosix, and the governor of Cosix arrested him, so he boldly confessed his Christian faith. So the governor got angry and ordered him to sacrifice to idols, but he refused and began to explain the corruption of pagan worship and its superstitions, and that the Christian religion is the true religion. So the governor got angry and ordered him to be tortured, so they tied him to untamed horses, until his body smelled. Then they flogged him hard, and he was patient and steadfast in his faith. So they threw him into prison with iron shackles. And when King Constantine the Great rose up and liberated the Church from persecution, he released the holy bishop and returned him to his chair. And when the heresy of Arius appeared and the first Nicene Council was held in 325, Sassin began arguing with the Aryosians and coaling them with his good proofs. Then he returned to his chair broadcasting the teaching of the Nicene Council.
Gallius was an enemy of Constantine and the Christians, so he arrested Bishop Sassine and subjected him to the most severe torments until his life ended by his beheading around the year 328. His prayers are with us.

September 23rd

Saint Pio (Padre Pio)

Life of Saint Pio (1887-1968) 
Saint Pio was born in Petrelchina (Benevento) on May 25, 1887, to Orazio Forgonet and Giuseppe Di Nunzio. His baptismal name was Francis. At the age of fifteen, he entered the monastery of the Capuchin Fathers in Morconi (Benvento), where he wore the monastic garment on January 22, 1903. He was ordained a priest on August 10, 1910 in Benevento Cathedral. For health reasons, he was forced to stay in his village for a few years.
In February 1916, he moved to the Monastery of Saint Anne in Fouga, and on the 28th of July he ascended to the Monastery of Saint John Rotondo, where he stayed, leaving only for short and rare periods. On the morning of Friday, September 20, 1918, while he was praying in front of the Crucified One in the choir of the old chapel, he received   the grace of the attributes of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he kept for fifty years until his death on September 23, 1968.
He exercised his priestly service with zeal, founding "Prayer Groups" and the "House of Pain Relief" hospital.
On December 18, 1997, Pope John Paul II declared Father Pio honored, and on May 2, 1999, beatified, and on June 16, 2002, the Pope himself declared him a "saint."


September 24th

Saint Thecla


The Church celebrates the memory of St. Thecla, the first female martyr, on the twenty-fourth of September. I was born around the twentieth year, in an iconic city of pagan and rich parents. She was beautiful, intelligent and very educated. She got engaged to a young man of no less honor and prestige. And when Paul the Apostle passed through the city of Iconium around the year 45, she heard him say so she was impressed by his teachings and her mind was enlightened by the grace of God. And after she understood the evangelical teachings, she relied and vowed to take over God, and she devoted herself to prayer and meditation. Her mother asked her about this change in her life, and she replied: It is the price of being baptized with holy baptismal water and her faith in Christ, to whom she vowed her virginity. So the mother got angry and her fiancé and her family got angry, and they began to convince her of disbelief, but she did not listen to them. Her mother complained to the governor of the city. So the governor took her flattery, so she didn't care about his threats. He ordered the fire to be set. Thekla threw herself into the fire happily, but God preserved her, so the rain came and extinguished the fire. She surrendered, so she left her father's house and joined St. Paul and accompanied him on his travels as far as Antioch, where she remained preaching the Gospel of Christ. The governor of Antioch learned about her, so he ordered her to be exposed to the beasts naked. God covered her nakedness, and the beasts never harmed her. The governor sent her back to prison. The next day they tied her to a pair of frightened bulls, and she almost died of pain. God saved her by letting go of the eruption. So the ruler was baffled by her order, and threw her into a deep abyss full of poisonous snakes, but she did not harm her. Everyone was amazed and the king was amazed, so he asked her how to escape from these dangers? She replied, "I worship Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. He alone is the way, the truth, the life, and the salvation of those who hope in Him." So the governor released her in front of everyone, free and unharmed. So she went out and told St. Paul everything that had happened to her, and he glorified God with her. Then she preached in her city, in Qalamoun, Maaloula, and Saydnaya in Syria. Then she died at the age of ninety years and was buried in Seleucia, and her grave became a source of blessings and blessings. Her prayers are with us. Trustworthy.




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