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أعياد القديسين
كانون الثاني - يناير 

January 1 Western (January 14 Eastern).


Saint Basil the Great

Saint Basil the Great was born in the late 329 AD or early 330 AD. The family that embraced him was distinguished by its heritage, biography, talents, and status. Its title was piety and loyalty to the Lord Jesus. And her ascetic life is a matter of pride. His grandfather on his mother's side is a martyr for Christ and his grandfather on his father's side are confessors. Their property was confiscated and they took refuge in the forty mountains of Sebastia, and the deer fed them, as stated by Saint Gregory the Theologian  (Hadith 20). They are mentioned as saints in some calendars on January 14. As for our saint, his grandmother raised him Makrina the Great  on al-Fadila when she had a country house in New Caesarea in Pontus. Makrina the Great she was also a saintly disciple of  Saint Gregory the Wonderworker  (November 17). He himself witnessed it, inappropriately. Throughout his life, he did not forget what his grandmother's sermons and good example left behind in him. His parents were also distinguished. His father, Basil the Great, was distinguished in his knowledge, especially in eloquence and rhetoric. He was refined in his spirit. Saint Gregory the Theologian  describes him as "a teacher of virtue in the province of Pontus". He had vast properties in three regions in Asia Minor, and people believed that he was a miracle worker. His mother, Amalia, was pious, righteous, and beautiful among women. The couple had ten children, five males and five females. They are returned in some calendars on May 30. Five of their children became saints. In addition to our saint celebrated today, we have Necratius and  Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa And Peter, Bishop of Sebastia and Macrina, the so-called wise. And according to St. Gregory the Theologian, the rest of the family members did not fall short of their brothers in the integrity of the fold and the pure biography, even if they chose the married life.

January 11 Western (January 24 Eastern)

Saint Theodosius, head of monasteries

Theodosius was born in a Cappadocia village called Mugarisos to pious parents. His father's name was Proheresus and his mother's name was Avlogia. She became intimidated in her old age, and her son Theodosius became her spiritual father.

Theodosius grew in grace and stature and was of a strong build. It was said that since he was a boy, he did not allow himself any physical pleasure, nor did he allow himself to be inclined to love riches, possessions, and money. Only one thing filled his heart: the desire to see the Holy Land. He used to read the Bible constantly. He read in Genesis that God called Abraham to leave his family, friends, clan, and everything to himself if he truly desired to inherit eternal blessing. This invitation was accepted by Theodosius as if it was addressed to him, taking the narrow path leading to the blessings of the age to come. And the time came, so he went out to Jerusalem.


January 17, east and west

Saint Anthony was born in a small village in Upper Egypt called Kuma, around the year 250 AD. His family was one of the country's notables, with reliable wealth, Christians, and he grew up on piety. He had a younger sister. He used to stay at home except for necessity or to go out to church. And when he wanted worldly knowledge to avoid mixing with people. But he used to filter well what was read to him and keep it in his heart. Wire in simplicity and the privilege of being content and pardoned pleasures.

When his father died, he meditated on him and said: Blessed be God! Is this body not complete and nothing has changed from it at all except for the cessation of this weak breath?! So where is your aspiration, determination, great power, and your collection of money?! Then he added: If you had gone out without your choice, I would not be surprised at that, rather I would be surprised at myself if I did the same as you did. Saint Athanasius the Great mentioned that he left the world six months after the death of his father. While other sources mentioned that he left his father without burial and went out to wander on his face, leaving behind what he had of money, lands and servants. The tongue of his condition was: Here I am leaving the world of my own will so that they do not expel me like my father against my will. His age, at that time, was eighteen or maybe twenty years old.


January 12 Western (January 25 Eastern)

Saint Martyr Tatiana

Saint Tatiana lived during the time of the Roman Emperor Alexandros Severus (225-235 AD). Her father was a well-known consul in Rome, and it was said that he was made a deacon in the church there.

Tatiana was not seduced by the upliftment nor the joys of the worldly life. She spent her childhood in Diamis, Rome, where Christians used to meet. It was reported that when she grew up, she also became a deacon. Her heart's desire was to sacrifice herself for her Messiah until death, the death of martyrdom.

And when the nation of God was glorified in preaching the Lord Jesus without prestige, she was arrested and stopped in the presence of the Emperor. After the emperor spoke flattering words to her in an attempt to restore her to his gods, he accompanied her to the temple of the fetishes, hoping that he would make her sacrifice there. Tatiana took prayers to her Lord, and the idols fell to the ground and were destroyed. The Emperor's matter was great and he felt humiliated, so he ordered his soldiers, so they removed the skin of her face. And the angels of God came and helped her. It was stated that her eight executioners saw the angels in the light of God, so they were afraid and refrained from inflicting torment on the nation of God, recognizing Christ as its counterpart.

As for Tatiana, her torture continued for a while. They shaved her head, removed her breasts, and threw her into the flames, then threw her to the animals, but when all these measures were spent on her, and the predators appeared calm and peaceful in her view. However, the executioners continued to break her bones and dismember her limbs. Despite everything, Tatiana remained steadfast in the faith, unwavering. Finally, the Emperor's patience became patient, and it seemed to him that his attempts had failed, and he was unable to restore the girl to what he desired. In order to save his wounded dignity, he ordered her head to be cut off, and this was done for him, and Tatiana joined the procession of the most honored martyrs.

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