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أعياد القديسين
ايار- مايو 

May 01

Saint Joseph the Worker

On this day, in many parts of the world, people's work and workers are praised. The Gospel mentions Saint Joseph the Worker, where Jesus is called “the son of the carpenter” (Matthew 13:55). Our celebration reminds us of the dignity of working in God's plan. The Second Vatican Council says that God commanded man to work in order to have dominion over the universe with righteousness and holiness, and to be an extension of the work of the Creator and a service to humanity, through which every worker contributes to the management of divine providence in history. The Christian message does not alienate people from building the world, nor does it lead them to be indifferent about the fate of this world and people: on the contrary, it forces them to regard this as their urgent duty (Gaud and Hope: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World Today, No. 34). Pope Pius XII instituted this feast in 1955.

May 02

Saint Athanasius, bishop and teacher of the Church

One of the most important fathers of the Eastern Church, he was born in Alexandria in 295 AD. He was a deacon when the bishop of the city escorted him to the Council of Nicaea in 325, which condemned the teaching of Arius, who denied the equality of the Son to the Father. Despite this condemnation, heresy spread widely, so Athanasius, who became bishop of his city, fought it with a heroic struggle with tongue and pen. His episcopate lasted forty-six years, of which he spent twenty years in exile because of his education. He has many authors of great importance in defending orthodox faith. He encouraged the ascetic life and wrote a biography of St. Anthony the Great. He rested in the Lord in the year 373. Among his sayings: “The Word of God, who has no body, no annihilation or matter in it, came to our world, although it was not absent from it before. No part of the world has ever been devoid of it. With his one presence with his father, he filled everything everywhere.


May 03

Saints Apostles Philip and James

The Gospel of John mentions that Philip was born in Bethsaida. He was at the forefront of those who followed Christ, after being a disciple of John the Baptist. The Bible listed some situations that indicate the familiarity that he had with Jesus, and his belief that Jesus is the expected Messiah who fulfills the promises of the Old Testament. During the secret supper, he expressed his longing to see God and said to Jesus: “Lord, show us the Father alone” (John 14:8). He preached the Gospel in present-day Turkey, and there he died as a martyr. As for Jacob Ben Halfi, he is a relative of Jesus, and the first bishop of Jerusalem. He wrote one letter, which is one of the books of the New Testament, in which he spoke of the true faith that works of love and mercy bear witness to. He was famous for his asceticism in this world, and he worked to guide many of his people. He died a martyr in Jerusalem in 62 AD.

May 14th

Saint Matthias, the Apostle

   The apostles chose him instead of Judas Iscariot, to be a witness with them to the resurrection of the Lord, so he was joined to the eleven apostles (Acts 1:15-26).


May 18th

Saint John I, Martyr Pope

The Aryosian Emperor Theodoricos sent him to Emperor Justinian in Constantinople, on a mission that was a failure. Upon his return, he was thrown into prison, and he died of starvation (526).

May 20th

Saint Bernardines of Siena, priest

He was a Franciscan priest and a popular preacher. He toured the country from Milan to Rome, urging people to return to the authentic Christian life. He is the one who spread the worship of the sacred name of Jesus. And he has research in theology.


May 25th

Saint Mary Magdalene de Patsy, Virgin

  An Italian Carmelite nun, who secretly lived a life of prayer and sacrifice. And she continued to pray for the reform of the church. And she made herself a guide to her sisters to the paths of perfection. And she received unfamiliar blessings from God.

May 27th

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop

He was sent by Pope Gregory the Great in 597 from Rome to England to preach the Gospel. Then he established him as bishop of Canterbury. He guided many of the people of the country to faith. He established many churches, especially in the county of Kent. He was very respectful of existing folk traditions, and died around 605.

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